ProPEL Indy Community Conversation Presentation

ProPEL Indy is a unique visioning exercise that will transform how we plan investments in our interstates over the next 20 years. Through a series of listening sessions, community planning initiatives, and design innovations, these investments will address opportunities in enhancing economic opportunity, equity, livability, mobility, and the region’s quality of life.
Central Indiana is home to a world-class interstate system that links people to their homes, businesses, employers, and recreational centers. Most interstates within I-465 were constructed more than 40 years ago and will need to be modernized in the near future. Thus, the results of ProPEL Indy will identify actionable results that further strengthens and modernizes our interstate network while increasing the mobility and accessibility for our communities.
We will look forward to listening to a diverse group of stakeholders from across the region in order to gain a greater understanding of their needs and opportunities. With this knowledge and working together, ProPEL Indy will ProPEL us today while Transforming Tomorrow.